Wednesday, 21 May 2014


An apple mac and a laptop are different in many ways, they both run on different systems, an apple mac runs on mac os and a laptop in windows.

 A big difference between the two is the cost of them. An apple mac costs around £399.99 depending on the size and the type. Whereas a laptop that has windows would cost less around £299.99 so there is a difference of £100. For most people that is a lot of money that they don’t really need to spend. Both the computers specialize in different things so the extra money would be paying for different software’s and programmes. 

Every computer will get some kind of virus if they are not looked after and regularly checked and cleaned. Apples macs are the less popular computer system because of the expense because of this there are less known viruses for mac, there is also unix kernal built on the operating system which is the oldest most secure system. . Windows laptops are more popular and because of this there are more viruses that target those computers. it is also easier to create a virus for windows computers.

Macs and window’s laptop have man different features which make them more suitable for different people for example.. Macs have garage band for those who make music so this would benefit them, they also have a lot that is useful for graphic designers. Windows computers are very easy to use and I think are more useful for business workers as it include Microsoft word, power point etc.although you can now get graphic design softwares on both computer graphic designer have a habit to buy mac and it is also a trend thing to buy a mac. 

I think mac is more useful for the needs of specific thing and windows are more home/work computer. So I believe it depends on what you want to be doing on your computer as to which computer you chose is best for you. f

1 comment:

  1. www: this post fulfils the task to justify the choice of computer system to meet a given business purpose. M2 achieved.
    ebi. You actually make a decision
