Wednesday, 21 May 2014


An apple mac and a laptop are different in many ways, they both run on different systems, an apple mac runs on mac os and a laptop in windows.

 A big difference between the two is the cost of them. An apple mac costs around £399.99 depending on the size and the type. Whereas a laptop that has windows would cost less around £299.99 so there is a difference of £100. For most people that is a lot of money that they don’t really need to spend. Both the computers specialize in different things so the extra money would be paying for different software’s and programmes. 

Every computer will get some kind of virus if they are not looked after and regularly checked and cleaned. Apples macs are the less popular computer system because of the expense because of this there are less known viruses for mac, there is also unix kernal built on the operating system which is the oldest most secure system. . Windows laptops are more popular and because of this there are more viruses that target those computers. it is also easier to create a virus for windows computers.

Macs and window’s laptop have man different features which make them more suitable for different people for example.. Macs have garage band for those who make music so this would benefit them, they also have a lot that is useful for graphic designers. Windows computers are very easy to use and I think are more useful for business workers as it include Microsoft word, power point etc.although you can now get graphic design softwares on both computer graphic designer have a habit to buy mac and it is also a trend thing to buy a mac. 

I think mac is more useful for the needs of specific thing and windows are more home/work computer. So I believe it depends on what you want to be doing on your computer as to which computer you chose is best for you. f


Expected result
Actual result
Action required
Software applications open and work as intended
The computer should open and run smoothly without and problems for example freezing.
The software opened and worked without any problems running smoothly.
Default folder settings are correct
The file that I want to save should save into the right folder or place.
When I saved my word document it saved into the right folder.
Desktop shortcuts go to the right place
The link that I click on should open the right programme or document.
When I clicked on the link I needed it took me straight to the page I needed.
The correct device drivers are installed
When I go to device management all the devises should be there and installed for example the printer.
All of the devices where there and installed so it was easy to find.
The correct paper sizes are set for printing
The printer should be set to the paper size A4.
The printer was set to A4 size so there was no need to change the size.
Menu options work as intended
When I open a document I should be given more options to help me use the programmes.
All of the options came up so I was able to use the programme successfully.
The correct date and time are set
The date and time should be set correctly.
The date and time were correct so there was no need to change them.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014



Witness statement
Learner name

BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
Set up and maintain a computer system

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Task 2 (P6)
Using the computer system provided:
Change the icon size to large
Change the font size to large
colour/background to red

Assessment and grading criteria
P6.configure a computer system to meet user needs

For P6, learners must configure some basic system settings, such as left and right mouse buttons, powersaving options, screen resolution, desktop theme, font size, default language setting, default folder locations etc.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
In IV5 on Tuesday 20th may Emily showed on the computer provided that she can change the icon and font size to large and change the colour/background to red.

Witness name
Shannon Peden
Job role


Witness signature

Assessor name

Assessor signature




Witness statement
Learner name

BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Using the computer system provided, carry out the following routine maintenance:
       Create a file structure under user as follows
A folder labelled with your name and within this folder create 3 folders labelled Home, Work and Study
       Configure the operating system to perform the following:
       back-up procedures
       automatic scheduling and deletion of unwanted data
       deleting temporary files
       Cleaning keyboard, mouse, display screen of the computer provided
       replacing consumables printer paper in the printer provided
·         replacing the damaged mouse

Assessment and grading criteria
Task 4. Undertake routine maintenance tasks on a standalone computer system. P8

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
In IV5 on Monday the 19th of may Emily created 3 folders naming them home, work and study. She backed up a folder by zipping it first to compress the size and how to archive it. She set up an automatic scheduling to delete any unwanted data. She showed she knows how to replace printer paper and a damaged mouse and clean a mouse a keyboard and display screen. She can delete temporary files. She also showed how a defragment a file.

Witness name
Shannon Peden
Job role

Witness signature

Assessor name

Assessor signature
